Friday, November 29, 2013

Mothers day

Today is a very special day. Today is my mom's birthday which makes it the most special of days. I don't think I could ever really explain why my mom is so awesome, but she really is the most awesome mom anyone could hope for.

When we were growing up my mom was the cool mom. It was thanks to her that our house was always the place that kids wanted to go. When other kids would whine about  mean parents it was always my mom that they would wish their parents were more like. I couldn't ever really disagree.

I don't think I ever had a birthday party or sleepover that wasn't the most inventive and well planned event ever. My mom didn't need Pinterest to come up with crazy cool creative theme parties, she just instinctively knew what to do. I mean come on the woman threw me a Gone With the Wind birthday party when I was seven (which I totally didn't appreciate at the time.).

It wasn't just birthdays or sleepovers, her being amazing was an every day event. I can remember being very young, under seven, and my mother organized a parade on our street for all the little kids. It might have been in honor of Fiesta (I grew up in San Antonio where Fiesta is a thing) or perhaps it was for Easter. Honestly for all I know it was just because the children were bored. We all ended up making parade 'floats' out of shoe boxes and paraded them up and down the sidewalk in front of all the neighbors. Coolest thing ever.

She also was exactly the mom you wanted to have as a kid in school. She made us do our homework but was always there to help with any project and make it that much more amazing. My mother boasts that she always got A's on our projects and we still always learned something. I can remember her spending countless hours gluing bugs to poster board for an entomology project I did in 5th grade. It was winter in Texas and there were no bugs out but my mother knew that our cousin had a freezer full of bugs (she froze anything that got into her pool so she could show the kids what was safe to touch and wasn't safe) and had gone and collected all of them for me. My mother hates bugs but she still glued them all down so I could have the best project ever.

My mother remains incredibly supportive of me and all of my siblings. She has always been there giving as much as she can whether she has it to give or not. She is selfless when it comes to her kids and I love that about her.

If I had to say who my hero was, it would be my mother. I could go on and on about the amazing woman she is and the amazing things she does but there are not enough hours in the days or space on my blog. You will just have to take my word that she is amazing. She is my mom.

Happy birthday Mops, I love you. Xoxo.

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