Friday, February 7, 2014


Reasons why I have the best husbeast ever:

- On a super cold day, without being prompted to do so, he wears his light hoodie and leaves me his super warm hoodie so I won't get cold.

- If there is ice on my windshield he will scrape it off for me before he leaves for work since my arms aren't long enough to reach the middle of my windshield.

- On cold nights he will crawl into my side of the bed while I am gathering the animals so that I don't have to get into a cold bed.

- He lets me steal croutons out of his salad at restaurants.

- He suffers silently through all the crime procedural shows that I watch on TV.

- He never tells me no when I ask to buy something.

- He sends me silly texts to make me smile.

- He can always open stuck jars.

- He destroys all bugs (other than spiders) that I am frightened of.

- He lets me pick the music in the car.

- He always thinks I am beautiful, especially when I don't think I am.

- He has faith in my skills even when I do not.

- He not only embraces my weird, but he matches me weird act for weird act.

- He never makes me drive.

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