Wednesday, January 2, 2013

New Year hopes

It is that time of year for the obligatory holiday recap/year end review/setting of new year goals and resolutions. At least it would be that kind of post if I was in any way inclined to write such a thing, which I am not. Sorry minions, I am breaking with the trend.

Honestly I am too tired just now to think clearly on what all has happened and is about to. My holiday season only ended yesterday with a whirlwind second Christmas and rush home for jam packed two day New Years celebrations. After two weeks of four and five day weekends I don't even have any idea what day it is half the time.

Work is all backwards. I don't know if I am coming or going or what work I should be doing. Add in the fact that co-workers keeping being out sick things are even more whacky. It will be February before things around here are up to date and running smoothly again.

Faire is already well underway for me. I have been doing meetings and planning for almost two months now. We are hitting the point during the planning stage where a lot of stuff has to get done sooner rather than later. I have hit the point where I have to make some decisions for my own performance this year, and honestly I sort of just want to not think about it at all.

I am in the middle of a long bout of not giving a damn about anything. I find that most days I am just proud of myself for getting out of bed and going to work. If I can manage a grocery run after work instead of going home and watching TV it is a good day. I am not depressed or anything like that. It is more like my laziness and apathy have taken hold of my life. I keep saying that this will change, but it turns out I have strong procrastination skills.

All in all I am glad it is January. I am glad that pretty much the only things I have to worry about for the next six months are my job and faire. While those things are huge and time consuming, they are manageable when that is all I have to focus on.

I hope that you my minions had a pleasant holiday season. I hope you were not too overwhelmed by the crazy that can occur in these joy and activity filled months. I hope you got some good swag, had some laughter and joy, ate some tasty treats, avoided too much drama, got in a little relaxation, and basically survived the holidays mostly intact.

I also hope that your new year is full of more good things than bad things. I hope you dream big and live as much as possible. I hope you remember to breath and to smile and to laugh at yourself. I hope you pick yourself up when you fall and dust yourself off and jump back in. I hope you love. I hope you feel more peace than strife. I hope you sleep well. I hope you experience more gain and joy than loss and sorrow. I hope you can stay strong.

I hope.

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