Thursday, November 22, 2012

Surrounded by thankfulness

I am sitting out on the balcony at the Cauldron enjoying the cool breeze on this pleasantly warm day. The husbeast, the kid, and several others are sitting about alternating between quietly enjoying their electronic devices and chatting with one another.  The kids are down stairs wrestling about and expending energy. Next door there is some cooking going on and chatting with old friends and attempting to find the Texans game on the internet.

This is my Thanksgiving day. Later there will be a big meal as is the thing to do on this day. There will be chatting and there will be watching of shows. There will be laughter and camaraderie. There will be mid afternoon naps and avoiding of the dishes.

There will be a relaxed sense of peace.

I could sit here and list things I am thankful for. This is the day for thankfulness. This is the day you are supposed to acknowledge those things. I am however not going to do that. I am thankful for my many blessings every day, and while I am still thankful today, I don't need to say it.

Today instead of saying it to all of you I am going to go and show my thanks by being present in the moment. I am going to enjoy my friends. I am going to enjoy my meal. I am going to enjoy this beautiful weather. I am going to enjoy my naps and my shows. I am going to show my thanks by enjoying the things I am thankful for.

Happy Thanksgiving.

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